Course curriculum

  • 1

    Let's Begin

  • 2

    Week 1: Values & Vision

    • Who are you?

    • Considerations: The Values You Hold and Project

    • Inefficiency Building

    • Defining your Vision

    • Assignment: Vision into Visuals

  • 3

    Week 2: Structures and Systems

    • Understanding Basics to Structure

    • Types of Practices - An Evolution of Example

    • Reviewing the Evolution

    • Simple Education Business Plan Presentation

    • Launching a Black Business

    • Black Doula Navigating Within Barriers of Systems

    • A Doula In Service: Addressing Trauma

    • Another Look At Systems

    • Assignment: Designation

    • EIN: Employer Identification Number

    • BAR: Vending and Sales Only

    • Secretary of State LLC Filing

    • Insurance: Doula, Childbirth Educator, Lactation Professional

    • National Provider Identification (NPI)

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    Week 3: Internal Systems Design & Marketing

    • RECAP and Next Steps

    • Addressing systems design for a niche market

    • Onboarding a New Client

    • A Review of an Intake Form (Design and Considerations) Our Journ3i Doula Services Client Intake

    • Media Release Forms

    • Setting up w/ Google

    • Electronic Health Record (HIPAA Compliance)

    • Marketing Spaces

    • Doula Interfaces (Virtual Spaces/Opportunities)

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    Week 4: Preparing for Insurance Onboarding

    • Preparing for Transfer to RIBWC

    • RI Medicaid Provider ID

    • Doula Services Manual for Medicaid

    • CAQH (Not Made for Doulas)

    • Let's Celebrate Our Progress

    • Connections and Relationship